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Saturday 8 September 2012

I need your help!

 I've done a lot of the talking this last year. Now, dear readers, it's your turn. If you have a couple of minutes, Oliver R Lloyd III needs you! 

As I get ready for my final year at university, I anticipate that there won't be anything like as much to report as there was in Rennes. The Life and Musings will probably become more about my Musings than my rather repetitive Life. The blog will continue, but it will probably be a little less frequent (yep, about one post a year).

I need a new direction. I really want to continue writing, but I need to branch out! I need something to keep me sane during this year full of cold hard business. 

My question to you readers: What would you like to see me write next?

I have a couple of ideas already, but I'm not going to share them just yet, because I want to see if you have any fresh ideas totally uninfluenced by my own. 

This may be easier if you actually know me. What am I talking about?! Honestly with the amount of fucking detail I've gone into this past year you probably know more about me than you know about your mum! I am nothing like as important as her (unless she's Sarah Palin) so I apologise for that. 

So to what would you next like me to turn my metaphorical pen? Any ideas are welcome! Go on, be creative!

Please comment below or you can join the Life and Musings Facebook page on and contact me on there! 

I really appreciate the feedback I've received so far and would love to write more. Thank you for reading - it's been a pleasure so far! 

Rant over


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